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" Don't let the weather

scare you away

from your plans "

" Don't let the weather scare you away from your plans "

We were road-tripping, as we often do. But this time we'd chosen Iceland, for the promise of beautiful northern lights.

On the way back from the South East towards Reykjavik, we remembered pictures of a plane wreck and looked up for it. The trail was described by bloggers as wet and muddy, and potentially safe on foot. But the blue hour - purple, that day- was already there and we wouldn't make it on time if we walked.


The weather forecast wasn't looking good. More rain, more clouds, and the night. Soon. We really hesitated. What if we got stuck on that trail by -10°C ? But adventure is adventure. There was adrenaline running through our veins as we decided to drive to the wreck and almost got stuck using the right side track instead of the left side one. But we made it, and as we did, the last tourist car was leaving. Night would be there soon.


When you get to the wreck, there's no way you're going to "just stay a minute". So we stayed a while and as we did, rain drops started to fall. We had to leave. But the rain isn't cold. The rain melts the snow. And as it becomes more and more muddy, the ground starts to mirror everything around. Wreck included.

As I would normally tend to stay in bed during rainy mornings, or keep by the fire on a cold night, Iceland taught me to never let the weather scare me away from my plans. The rain might look even better. The cold might shine on everything it touches. And you may feel tears of joy when you wasn't expecting anything anymore, and get to contemplate so much beauty.


The Republic of Iceland is a Nordic island country in the North Atlantic Ocean. It has a population of 332,529 and an area of 103,000 km2, making it the most sparsely populated country in Europe.
Iceland is volcanically and geologically active. The interior consists of a plateau characterised by sand and lava fields, mountains and glaciers, while many glacial rivers flow to the sea through the lowlands. Iceland is warmed by the Gulf Stream and has a temperate climate, despite a high latitude just outside the Arctic Circle.


Plane wreck in Vik

Don't let the weather scare you away.

Iceland cold evening blue hour

The blue hour in Iceland lasts longer than anywhere, in winter. It's not rare to find yourself on a road where you'd like to take shots of everything.

Iceland hills in the early morning

The hills of southern Iceland in the winter mornings are stunning. As we were coming back from the glacier towards Vik, I stopped on the road side to watch the blue purple beauty of them all. I cried a lot that day. Because that much beauty is not given to just anyone to contemplate. It's something one may deserve, unless that's just being lucky. Either way, these mornings are rare and precious. Somewhat a little bit out of time.

Iceland hills in the early morning

Same morning, same hills, different point of view. I might be very sensitive to beauty, or most people around me might just have become insensitive to it. I can't resist a blurry purple blue hour and the day rising from the white horizon by -20°C, feet in the snow, frozen hands on my camera, iced tears on my cheeks.

Secret Lagoon in the morning blue ho

We discovered the secret lagoon at night. And it was a blast. As stunning is the blue lagoon, there's nothing like a much more private 40°C water in the -10°C dark night under the milky way. However, on our way to the next wonder in the morning, I insisted for a stop over at the secret lagoon again, so to see what it looks like. And I never regretted that cold detour. The picture says it all.

Icelandic Poneys

I can't describe how cold is Iceland and how difficult is every shot. Getting out of the car, putting on a thick layer, fitting the gloves, being unable to open the camera clap, seeing the shot go away... So many times, I shot without jacket, without gloves, run out of the car, run back in. But how rewarded is every shot you take. Each and every bite of cold is worth it.

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